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High-risk pregnancies

Augsta riska grūtniecība

If you have a high-risk pregnancy, you and your child may have a higher risk of developing medical problems before or after the birth, as well as during the delivery.

Sometimes, the risk factors emerge before, but other times only during the pregnancy.

It is important to understand the risk factors and what you can do to help yourself and your child. Some risk factors cannot be changed (e.g., age and genetics), though they can be often mitigated and even prevented during preparation for a pregnancy (e.g., lose excess weight, find the right therapy for chronic diseases together with your doctor) or during the pregnancy (e.g., follow a particular diet, regularly take medications prescribed by your doctor, measure the blood pressure and perform glucose level self-tests). Usually, special care or monitoring is required during the entire pregnancy though good understanding of the problem and the right approach takes you half way to the success.

A pregnant woman is included in the high-risk group if the following is present in the anamnesis:

  • Younger than 18 or older than 35.
  • Lifestyle risk factors (smoking, alcohol or drug abuse).
  • Chronic diseases of the mother (increased blood pressure, excess weigh, diabetes mellitus, epilepsy, thyroid and other endocrine diseases, auto-immune diseases, cardiac diseases, clotting disorders, bronchial asthma, chronic infections (HIV, hepatitis), etc.).
  • Genetic diseases in the family.
  • Complications during the current pregnancy (preeclampsia, pathological attachment of the placenta, conflicting Rh factors, foetal developmental delay, gestational diabetes mellitus). These complications may develop during any pregnancy even if you are young and healthy.
  • Multi-foetal pregnancy.
  • Complications during previous pregnancies and deliveries (premature birth, stillborn child), cervical incompetence, spontaneous abortions.

Prenatal Care Centre iVF Riga specializes in high-risk pregnancies. You can perform all the necessary pregnancy–related tests without having to leave our clinic. At our clinic, pregnant patients are seen by skilled and very experienced gynaecologists and obstetricians.


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