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The Outpatient Centre and daycare inpatient facility iVF Riga offers planned inpatient treatment services.

Various surgeries can be performed at the operative block of our clinic:

Urology operations: 

  • Circumcision or surgical removal of the foreskin
  • Spermatocele (spermatic cyst) excision
  • Hydrocele (accumulation of fluids between testicular membranes) excision and plastic surgery
  • Laparoscopic varicocelectomy (surgery to repair a varicocele in the scrotum)
  • Urethral polyp excision
  • Periurethral cyst excision
  • Vasectomy
  • Correction of incontinence 

Gynaecology operations: 

  • Hysteroresectoscopy or operative hysteroscopy
  • Corrective surgeries for incontinence

Proctology surgeries (treatment of haemorrhoids with a diode laser and HAL-RAR ultrasound method)

Operations for male infertility diagnostics:

  • TESA (Testicular Sperm Aspiration): aspiration of the sperm from testes with a needle
  • PESA (Percutaneous Epididymal Sperm Aspiration): aspiration of the sperm from epididymis with a needle
  • TESE (Testicular Sperm Extraction): surgical sperm extraction from testes or the open biopsy procedure

Operations with the use of stem cells: 

  • Regenerative therapy to treat hair loss with a stem cell preparation