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Dr. Natālija Požiļenkova

Dr. Natālija Požiļenkova Dr. Natālija Požiļenkova

Gynaecologist, obstetrician, reproductive specialist

Field of specialisation

Certified gynaecologist – obstetrician, reproductive specialist

Examination of women in reproductive issues, diagnosis and treatment of hormonal disorders, observation of pregnancy.

Further training

Regularly upgrades her knowledge in Latvia and international scientific congresses, refresher courses, participates in clinical research.

Member of the Reproductive and Embryological Section of the Latvian Association of Gynaecologists and Obstetricians. Member of the Human Reproduction Association (Russia).

Information for patients

Extensive work experience in maternity pathology and maternity wards.


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(+371) 67 111 117 (+371) 25 641 022

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