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Female Health

We offer preventive methods for female health and take care of her quality of life; we have services for the woman to feel self-confident; we are able to do regular check-ups and help the woman to maintain juvenility for as long as possible.

iVF Riga provides:

  • Regular check-ups, preventive gynaecological examinations
  • Anti-ageing specialist consultations
  • Assistance to peri-menopausal women
  • Consultations if surgical treatment is required

Female health: treatment recommendations by age groups

Depletion of Egg Reserves With Age

Ageing is the number one enemy for women’s reproductive life, which begins with their first period and continues until menopause.

Everything runs in cycles, and what has once began will have to end.
Nowadays, women think more about their careers and self-improvement and postpone settling down until they are confident in their partner and ready to get married and have kids. Undoubtedly, it is possible to plan having a child at some point later, but we must not forget that our biological clock cannot be stopped and it will not wait until a woman is ready or it is the ‘right’ time.

Ovarian tissues age the quickest, that is why women’s reproductive age is not as long as men’s.

Ageing process affects both the number and the quality of eggs, which over time reduces until creation of offspring is no longer possible. There are women whose bodies can still produce hormones to ensure regular periods, but this is not indicative of the quantity of eggs in the ovaries, which may be low nonetheless.

Age up to 35 years

The IUI/IVF/ICSI techniques are used in healthy and young women who are still in their best reproductive age, but are unable to get pregnant for various reasons. Based on the test results and the examinations, the specialist can prepare an individual treatment plan which will be coordinated with the patient in view of their preferences and possibilities. For more information about each of the techniques, please visit: Infertility Diagnosis and Treatment.

Age of 36-45 years

The IVF/ICSI+PGS treatment is suitable for the women making their first steps beyond the female reproductive age.

The ageing process in the ovaries affects both the quantity and the quality of egg cells. Unfortunately, the reproductive system of a female is the system of the entire body which ages the quickest. Genetic testing of embryos enables selecting only genetically healthy and high-quality embryos for the implantation, and this, in its turn, makes it possible to avoid a negative outcome and premature termination of pregnancy. There is more emphasis on the quality and not the quantity in this stage of the life!

The table below shows how the number of normal embryos reduces as the patients age. (Data from Reprogenetics, based on a study where 10,852 cycles and 58,798 blastocysts were analysed.)

Age of 46-50 years

Egg cell donor program/Tandem cycle/ Egg cell donor program+ PGS

This is the age when the body of a woman produces egg cells lazily, and, what is more, their quality reaches the lowest point. Having own descendants with a genetic material like this is difficult or, in many cases, also impossible. Fortunately, the sector of medicine is not stagnant and develops constantly to create alternatives which enable adaptation to the current epoch with all of its vagary. Donor cycles make it possible to cheat our biological clocks. A woman is still able to carry pregnancy to term and bring the child up, bu just needs some help from another, younger woman who donates a part of herself to give another woman a chance of becoming a mother.

This is not an easy decision and step at all, and many women may find it unnatural and unacceptable. However, our experience shows that every concern and doubt clears when the patient hears the first heartbeats of the child and feels a gentle touch inside her from the new life which has found safety and trust in a body where it will spend the first months of its lifetime.

The reproductive health permitting and provided that the woman strongly wishes to use her own cells for insemination, there is a possibility of using a new approach: the tandem treatment, i.e., using own and donor cells in the donor cycle. The ratio between the own and donor cells in such treatment varies depending on the reproductive health of the woman in this stage of life.

The donor programme of our clinic currently includes 110 young females whose participation in the programme has been approved with consent from our in-house specialists. It is possible to find a donor based on each woman’s preferences. For more information on the donor programme, please refer to: The egg donor programme

If pregnancy does not occur for unknown reasons even in the donor cycle, the egg donor programme + PGS (pre-implantation genetic screening) is recommended to select only genetically healthy and high-quality embryos for the implantation.

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