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Cerclage pessary

Insertion of a cerclage pessary is a new service offered by iVF Riga. It allows to prevent a premature birth and the failure to carry to term.

In contemporary obstetrics, failure to carry to term and early delivery are one of the most common problems. Patients with the history of gynaecological or obstetric problems (diagnosed infertility, failure to carry to term and multi-foetal pregnancy) have a higher risk of failure to carry to term. In these cases, insertion of a cerclage pessary is recommended as it prevents premature delivery and the failure to carry to term.

What is a cerclage pessary?

The cerclage pessary is a small medical device that is inserted in the vagina and helps to maintain it in a specific position. The cerclage pessary is inserted in the vagina during the first or the second trimester if the patient has:

  • Shortening of the cervix
  • Before delivery, after conization of the cervix
  • Preventively, in case of cervical incompetence

The cerclage pessary is non-invasive, and is used as an alternative to cervical cerclage.

Insertion of a cerclage pessary at iVF Riga

iVF Riga clinic offers insertion of a cerclage pessary in the vagina.

To select the size of the cerclage pessary, a gynaecological examination should be performed. Insertion of the cerclage pessary is an outpatient service and does not require anaesthesia. After the procedure, you can return home.


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