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Hysteroresectoscopy (operative hysteroscopy)

Hysteroresectoscopy is an invasive gynaecological manipulation during which polyps, myomas and other uterine pathologies are surgically removed with a hystero-resectoscope. It is equipped with a special light source, a video camera and a special set of electrosurgical tools solely for uterine manipulations. During the surgery, the hystero-resectoscope is inserted into the uterine cavity via the cervical canal. The image is displayed on the video monitor that allows the doctor to view it and control the manipulation, as well as to remove abnormal growth from the uterine mucosa and perform more complicated operations in the uterine cavity, for example, separation of walls, or resection of sub-mucous myoma nodules.

In which cases a hysteroresectoscopy performed?


  • Endometrial polyps (uterine cavity polyps)
  • Endometrial hyperplasia (if endometrial hyperplasia does not react to medicinal treatment or returns)
  • Intrauterine synechiae (uterine adhesions)
  • Asherman syndrome
  • Intra-uterine walls
  • Sub-mucosal uterine myomas (benign neoplasms in the muscular layer of the uterus)
  • Infertility diagnosis (natural pregnancy often occurs after the procedure)

How does hysteroresectoscopy take place?

Hysteroresectoscopy usually takes place under temporary intravenous anaesthesia and lasts for 20 to 40 minutes. After the manipulation, the patient has to spend a few hours at the day-care outpatient facility, and after a follow-up examination, the patient can return home on the same day. No special preparation is required for the surgery, though the patient has to be healthy, and have normal cervical and vaginal test results. The operation is performed on an empty stomach. During the operation, the patient also receives uterine stimulants and an anti-bacterial therapy for prevention of inflammatory problems. During the post-operative period, mild pain in the lower part of the abdomen or slight bleeding is possible for a few days after the surgery. Usually, no additional therapy is required after the operation, and the patient can safely return to the daily routine on the day after the surgery, though she has to limit physical activity for a few days.

At iVF Riga, hysteroresectoscopy is performed by Dr. Dace Melka, an operating gynaecologist of the highest qualification with more than 35 years of practice.

Only with a prior appointment: by phone (+371) 67 111 117; (+371) 25 641 022;


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(+371) 67 111 117 (+371) 25 641 022

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