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Genetic Testing

In 2014, the first Genetics Centre in the Baltic States and Northern Europe was opened in Latvia, and it hosts a modern and technologically advanced laboratory, as well as provides a wide range of comprehensive genetic screening services.

Our specialization and genetic testing have been developed in the following directions:

  • Molecular genetic examination;
  • Exome sequencing;
  • Karyotyping;
  • Preimplantation genetic testing of embryos at the chromosomal and gene level (PGT-A, PGT-M, PGT-SR);
  • Lifestyle genetic tests – Viva Genomics.

How to increase your chances of a healthy pregnancy and reduce the risk of miscarriage?

You should listen to our advice and recommendations. Please include PGT-A (preimplantation genetic testing of embryos) in your IVF cycle, especially if you are in the age group of 35-40 years.

We can say that PGT-A increases the chances of a successful pregnancy and the birth of a healthy baby. How do we achieve this? This testing helps us identify genetically healthy embryos (with a normal set of chromosomes). We transfer only healthy embryos into the uterine cavity, which have a higher chance of implantation and growth.

Check out the statistics collected in our clinic:

Our statistics: pregnancy rates in IVF cycles without PGT-A by age

ESHRE results 2014 (Pregnancy rates,%) ICSI, woman age iVF Riga results 2024 (Pregnancy rates,%)
35,8   Average 55
53 <35 52
37 35-37 67
- 38-40 50
- >41 50

Our statistics: pregnancy rates in IVF cycles with PGT-A by age

ESHRE results 2014 (Pregnancy rates,%) PGT, woman age iVF Riga results 2024 (Pregnancy rates,%)
50   Average 62
49 <35 65 / State-funded program 66
51 35-37 60 / State-funded program 66
- 38-40 74 / State-funded program 69
- >41 59

*per Embryo transfer

Sometimes, we hear from our patients: it’s expensive… The iVF Riga clinic has its own Genetics Centre, and we perform all tests on site, including PGT-A. You do not have to pay for testing any packages of embryos with us, which may be more expensive and is available in other clinics. We offer testing embryos one by one. Often, one test is enough – and you will already have a healthy embryo! Testing one embryo costs 465.00 EUR. We also offer consultations with a Clinical Geneticist who can provide a detailed explanation of the results.

PGT-A benefits:

  • Increased chances of successful pregnancy
  • Reduced risk of miscarriage
  • Better outcome for women of advanced maternal age
  • Getting pregnant faster
  • Effective detection of genetic problems
  • Less emotional stress

To help patients who had unsuccessful IVF cycles and repeated miscarriages, we created a new branch in the iVF Riga clinic back in 2014: we opened the first Genetics Centre in the Baltic States with a state-of-the-art laboratory and started using a new, revolutionary PGT method.

We are the only clinic in Latvia that performs preimplantation genetic testing on-site, in our own laboratory.

The iVF Riga Genetics Centre began its work in 2014, and already in 2015, the first child was born after PGT-A.

We also perform this testing for other Latvian clinics.

"The Genetics Centre gives us more opportunities to help future parents. Mostly, people who come to us have children with congenital genetic pathologies, or who are at risk of having a sick child. In such situations, the genetic laboratory comes to our aid - we can use PGT-M and PGT-A. This is how we can ensure the birth of a healthy child and exclude genetic pathologies. For many patients, this will mean finding family happiness - and this is the most important thing."

Dr. Med. Violeta Fodina, Head of the iVF Riga Holding.

PGT-A: Your Path to a Healthy Family

The key function of the iVF Riga Reproductive Genetics Centre is to diagnose the causes of infertility in patients with the aim of developing the most effective and precise treatment plan. The more accurate the diagnosis, the more effective the treatment, which will contribute to the much-desired pregnancy and the birth of a healthy child. So genetic testing of the embryos comes to our aid: PGT-A (preimplantation genetic testing) is a method that allows us to examine embryos for genetic disorders before they are transferred into the uterus (embryo transfer).

Take care of your baby’s health before birth!

PGT-A: Your protection against genetic risks

Preimplantation genetic testing for aneuploidy (PGT-A) allows testing of 5-day-old embryos:

  • to screen the entire set of chromosomes for abnormalities;
  • to improve IVF results;
  • to help patients with repeated miscarriages;
  • to help patients with fail implantation even after an IVF cycle.

We use the NGS method (Next generation sequencing) to test all the chromosomes of the embryo simultaneously before transferring the embryo into the uterus, assess the potential for further development of the embryo and select an embryo with a normal set of chromosomes for the transfer.

PGT-A: How to get the answers?

A molecular geneticist together with a clinical geneticist, having received the results of testing, examine them and make a decision on each of the embryos. Sometimes, if the conclusion about the quality of the embryo is on the border between “valid for transfer” and “not valid for transfer”, only the experience and knowledge of molecular geneticist, clinical geneticist and fertility specialist allow us to make a joint decision on the suitability of such an embryo for medical fertilization.

We believe that the following conditions are required for the complete and effective use of the PGT method:

  • a high-quality equipment and experience in testing;
  • a team of specialists to have the possibility of double-checking;
  • a concilium of clinical geneticists, experienced reproductologists who can make a decision on each embryo and on the detected changes.

Our Genetic Centre iVF Riga can provide all this to its patients.

  • Thank to innovative reproductive and genetic technologies, at iVF Riga Genetics Centre you can get an in-depth diagnostic report for couples with infertility, loss of pregnancy or unsuccessful IVF attempts.
  • All services provided by iVF Riga Genetics Centre are conducted on site in our Genetic Lab you will receive a clear explanation and specialist consultation regarding each test.

Call us (Working hours 09:00 - 17:00)

(+371) 67 111 117 (+371) 25 641 022

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