Only at iVF Riga! PRP Therapy for Endometrial Repair and Restoration of Ovarian Function.
The iVF Riga clinic offers a new, state-of-the-art treatment method for endometrial repair and restoration of the ovarian function with the help of the PRP therapy (autologous platelet-rich plasma therapy).
The PRP therapy is used to restore the menstrual cycle and folliculogenesis in pre-menopausal and menopausal women.
The PRP therapy (autologous platelet-rich plasma) is treatment with plasma obtained from the patient’s own blood and enriched with platelets (blood cells containing large quantities of alpha granules with high levels of growth factors). Growth factors play an important role because they assure tissue generation and activate cell growth and restoration. Injections of high levels of platelet-rich plasma into damaged or atrophied tissue activate regenerative and restorative processes. Platelet-rich plasma growth factors stimulate follicle formation in the ovaries and ovulation.
The PRP therapy has several stages. Initially, a draw of 8-20 ml of peripheral blood is taken from the patient. This blood is then placed into a centrifuge and centrifugated to break it into the components. Plasma with platelets is separated from the other blood cells. This method enables to obtain 3-5 times higher plasma platelet levels than normally in peripheral blood.
When can endometrial PRP therapy help in the treatment of infertility?
In all these cases, the PRP therapy technique improves the embryonic implantation when performing the IVF procedure and also in the event of natural pregnancy.
How can ovarian PRP therapy help in the treatment of infertility? For women, this is an opportunity for restoring the ovaries and taking in the biological clock!
No side effects have been found for the use of the PRP therapy. The use of the patient’s own blood precludes any allergic reactions and ensures complete biological compatibility.
The use of PRP injections may have different effects on each woman. Therefore, it is difficult to tell the amount of egg cells obtained after the PRP therapy: it depends on the condition of the female reproductive system prior to the procedure as well as the actual response to the PRP therapy. In any event, even spontaneous ovulation and obtaining of egg cells in pre-menopausal and menopausal women when the ovaries are practically atrophied represent a breakthrough in reproductive medicine that may provide an opportunity for getting pregnant with own egg cells.