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Genetics Centre

Science for better quality of life

  1. Genetic infertility diagnosis. Embryo genetic screening.
  2. The only Reproductive Genetics Laboratory in Northern Europe and the Baltic States which can detect genetic diseases already in the embryonic stage.
  3. Comprehensive female/male fertility genetic tests.
  4. Application of the PGS/PGD methods – the Reproductive Genetics Centre IVF Riga can help its patients to give birth to healthy children:
    • if the patients already have a child with genetic disorders;
    • for patients with rare genetic diseases;
    • if anamnesis shows unsuccessful in-vitro fertilization attempts with subsequent miscarriages;
    • in case of problems with male reproductive health (patient diagnosed with oligospermia or azoospermia);
    • for patients with high-risk pregnancy.
  5. Genetic testing for hereditary cancer.
  6. Lifestyle genetic tests – Viva Genomics.

Genetics Centre services

Infertility Diagnosis

Infertility Diagnosis

Cancer Diagnosis

Cancer Diagnosis

Lifestyle genetic tests Viva Genomics

Lifestyle genetic tests Viva Genomics


Call us (Working hours 09:00 - 17:00)

(+371) 67 111 117 (+371) 25 641 022

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