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Male Infertility Treatment

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Contrary to popular belief that infertility is a women's condition, it is as common in men. According to experts, about 10% of all married couples in Europe are infertile. Growing share of male factor infertility in marriage is especially noted. According to the latest data, male ‘contribution’ to infertility in marriage has started to exceed female. Over the last 20 years it went up from 30% to 50% and continues to grow.

Andrology deals with diagnosis and treatment of male infertility.

iVF Riga Andrology and Urology Centre is the only andrology centre in Latvia accredited by the European Academy of Andrology.

The iVF Riga Andrology and Urology Centre specialises in two areas:

  • general men’s health check;
  • diagnosis and treatment of male infertility.

At iVF Riga Clinic, you can make an appointment with Dr. Ērenpreiss, MD, PhD, an internationally certified andrologist, Academician of the European Academy of Andrology, the Head of the iVF Riga Andrology and Urology Centre.

Treatment of male infertility: is it really possible to help a man become a father?

Most of the patients who receive treatment become parents. We always start treatment if tests show at least minimal amount of sperm in the testicles. Sometimes there are sperm, but not sufficiently active or healthy for fertilisation. We have a solution for that.

In complicated male infertility cases when chances of pregnancy are very low, the solution may lie in an new, innovative treatment - testicle PRP therapy. The purpose of the procedure is to activate spermatogenesis (sperm production), which is not active enough leading to the reduction the sperm quality and inability to conceive. After injection of platelet-rich plasma into testicular tissue, cell regeneration and repair is activated helping restore spermatogenesis.

Unfortunately, in 10% of the cases we diagnose complete absence of the sperm. Even if you have been diagnosed with azoospermia (zero sperm in the seminal fluid), it’s not a final verdict! At the Andrology and Urology Centre, we offer Y chromosome genetic analysis and other examination that will show whether azoospermia is obstructive, i.e. reproductive tract is blocked or has not developed. If the obstructive azoospermia diagnosis is confirmed, we can perform sperm retrieval or aspiration from the testicles or epididymis using a needle (TESA/PESA is a very simple procedure under local or general anaesthesia to collect patient’s sperm to enable him becoming a father using his own biological material.

If the tests indicate another type of azoospermia when sperm production in the testicles is scarce and the sperm do not reach semen, a slightly more complicated procedure is required: testicle biopsy (TESE) when a small incision is made in the testicles to retrieve the sperm In such circumstances, sperm are found in about 50% of the cases and can be used for fertilisation of partner’s eggs.

If no sperm is found, we can offer treatment using donor sperm.

We care about our patients and our aim is create healthy babies, that is why we test all potential donors very thoroughly. In addition to having high quality sperm and negative infection test results, all potential donors in the donor programme undergo genetic testing of all chromosomes and other genetic tests (for cystic fibrosis).

We can offer advanced donor testing for all common recessive disorders to rule out presence of a specific gene.

It is important to understand that today a visit to an andrologist or urologist does not mean torture. We can confidently say that our Andrology Centre is capable of solving most of the problems related to fertility, reproductive health and sex life of a man.

! We cooperate with the Medrefund company, which helps the UK and Ireland residents claim refund for their treatment abroad.


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(+371) 67 111 117 (+371) 25 641 022

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