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Dr. Med. Violeta Fodina

Dr. Med. Violeta Fodina Dr. Med. Violeta Fodina

iVF Riga Holding CEO, Doctor of Medicine (PhD), reproductive specialist, gynaecologist – obstetrician

Field of specialisation

iVF Riga Holding CEO, Doctor of Medicine (PhD), reproductive specialist, gynaecologist – obstetrician. Specializes in infertility treatment and gynaecological endocrinology.

Education and experience

She has graduated from the Latvian Medical Academy and obtained a doctor's diploma. Specialization in gynaecology and obstetrics at Riga Stradins University Postgraduate Faculty and St. Petersburg Postgraduate Medical Academy.

For a long time, she managed one of the reproductive clinics in Riga.

In 2024, she graduated from doctoral studies at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Latvia, receiving the scientific degree – Doctor of Medicine (PhD), section: Obstetrics and Gynaecology.

Doctoral dissertation title: “Implantation failure causes in IVF cycles. Methods to improve IVF results”.

Further training

She completed her training in the field of reproductive medicine in Finland.

Proficient in all techniques of in vitro fertilization; using them, she achieves a large number of successful pregnancies.

In her work she uses all possible innovative technologies, combining reproductive medicine and genetics; develops her own methods of treating complex cases of infertility.

  • Member of the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE).
  • Member of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM).
  • Member of the Latvian Association of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists.
  • Member of the Baltic Fertility Society (BFS).
  • Member of the Board of the Latvian Association of Reproductologists and Embryologists.

Continuously improves her qualifications in leading European reproduction centres and international congresses.

She constantly continues her development and training: the founder and head of SIA Vivacell; graduated from the courses of the LU "Pharmacognosy"; "Pharmaceutical Chemistry"; "Technology of dosage forms".


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