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Embryo transfer/Frozen embryo transfer

Embriju transfērs/Sasaldētā embrija transfērs

Embryo transfer to the uterus – embryo transfer

Embryo transfer is the transfer of embryos into the uterine cavity. This procedure is painless and does not require any type of anesthesia. The whole procedure usually takes a few minutes and is reminiscent of a routine gynaecological examination. After the manipulation, the patient should rest for 30 minutes; after the rest, you can return to your daily routine, avoiding physical and emotional stress.

Embryo transfer usually takes place 2-3 days after egg collection.

For couples that develop more than five embryos on the second or third day after egg fertilization, or for couples that have undergone multiple failed embryo transfer procedures, embryo transfer at the blastocyst stage (embryo on the fifth day after fertilization) is recommended. Such conditions are as close as possible to natural fertilization, because in natural pregnancy the embryo enters the uterus through the fallopian tubes on day 5-6 after fertilization. Blastocyst culture allows specialists to choose the best quality embryos, thus increasing the chances of pregnancy.

Transfer of frozen embryos (embryo transfer)

Ovarian puncture sometimes results in a large number of eggs and a number of good quality embryos after fertilization – more than would be needed for one embryo transfer in a given cycle (or if, for various reasons, embryo transfer is not possible in that cycle). In such case, it is possible to perform cryopreservation – to freeze the remaining embryos at a very low temperature and use them later (vitrification – rapid freezing method is used in our clinic). It is used in case of failure of the IVF/ICSI procedure and/or for more pregnancies in the future (if the couple wants to have more children). The procedure requires an application of the couple. When the couple is ready for their next child, the embryos are "thawed" and injected with fluid into the uterine cavity. This procedure is completely painless and takes place without anesthesia using a thin catheter under ultrasound control. Sometimes it is necessary to prepare the endometrium (uterine lining) with hormonal preparations; ultrasound control is required always.

After the embryos have been transferred to the uterus, there is no need to follow any special regime, the patient can go home or to work. Naturally, physical or emotional strain should be avoided after the procedure.

After the embryo transfer procedure, you will receive more detailed recommendations for the future use of medications. The use of hormonal preparations to maintain the functions of the corpus luteum and to improve implantation is necessary until a pregnancy test is taken. A pregnancy test (determination of the level of HCG in the blood) is performed on the 14th day after the transfer of the embryos. Depending on the test result, your doctor will decide whether to continue or stop taking the medicine.

EmbryoGlue – What is it and how does it help in embryo transfer?

Embryo transfer (embryo injection into the uterine cavity) is the last and one of the most important steps in artificial insemination. From egg collection to embryo transfer, the embryology laboratory provides optimal conditions and environment for successful embryo development. After embryo transfer, the ability to attach to the woman's uterus depends on the embryo itself. Currently, the new EmbryoGlue can help the embryo to be implanted in the uterine cavity.

EmbryoGlue – a specially designed environment used in embryo transfer that enhances embryo implantation. This environment is rich in hyaluronic acid, carbohydrates and amino acids, which together act as binders in the uterine cavity at the time of embryo implantation. Hyaluronic acid is a natural substance found in human tissues. Scientific studies have shown that at the time of embryo implantation, the uterine cavity has elevated levels of hyaluronic acid, which helps the embryo to implant better. The increased amount of hyaluronic acid in the EmbryoGlue environment in which the embryo is placed before transfer increases the embryo's ability to attach to the woman's uterine cavity.


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