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Video - laboratorija

PICSI manipulation in the iVF Riga Embryolab

PICSI manipulation in the iVF Riga Embryolab

ICSI manipulation in the iVF Riga Embryolab

ICSI manipulation in the iVF Riga Embryolab

2PN BC - an example of a good quality embryo

2PN BC - an example of a good quality embryo

ICM - Inner cell mass

ICM - Inner cell mass

Trophectoderm biopsy-1 in the iVF Riga clinic embryolab

Trophectoderm biopsy-1 in the iVF Riga clinic embryolab

Incorrect fertilization of an embryo - 3PN

Incorrect fertilization of an embryo - 3PN

PICSI - Sperm tail break_iVF Riga Embryolab

PICSI - Sperm tail break_iVF Riga Embryolab

Herniation after LAH (Laser Assisted Hatching)_iVF Riga Embryolab

Herniation after LAH (Laser Assisted Hatching)_iVF Riga Embryolab

1PN Embryo Arrest - incorrect fertilization with 1PN

1PN Embryo Arrest - incorrect fertilization with 1PN

Trophectoderm biopsy-2 in the iVF Riga clinic embryolab

Trophectoderm biopsy-2 in the iVF Riga clinic embryolab

Incorrect fertilization - 3PN granulation

Incorrect fertilization - 3PN granulation

Laser Assisted Hatching

Laser Assisted Hatching

An embryo hatches out of zona pellucida after Laser Assisted Hatching

An embryo hatches out of zona pellucida after Laser Assisted Hatching


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