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“I am not ashamed to speak publicly about infertility... Everything was worth going through, all the tears were worth shedding, all the pain was worth enduring.”

When half of the Lithuanian clinics couldn't help us, didn't want to, we felt just like money bags (I can't express it any other way), they wrote us off, we started our difficult journey at the Latvian clinic iVF RIGA to doctor V. Fodina.

We had a joke, an agreement with the doctor - when I give birth, we will taste a carrot cake. The years went by. We kept going to the clinic. Surgery, hormones, tests, aids. But still disappointment, tears, emptiness, pain, despair.

And when there was no energy left at all, God sent us Rapoliukas from the last attempt. Today is the day when I kept my promise. Our family visited our God-sent doctor.

At the clinic, everyone welcomed us with great joy. It makes us feel like home. For the first time, we came to this clinic relaxed and with smiles, happy, because Rapolas is in our hands - our miracle.

Everything was worth going through, all the tears were worth shedding, all the pain was worth enduring.

All three hearts - me, my husband and our sun - are extremely grateful to doctor Violeta Fodina. To our amazing coordinator Marina Vaļetko. To the laboratory, the anesthesiologist and to everyone, thanks to whom there are now three of us.

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

I am not ashamed to speak publicly about infertility. Those who haven’t faced it can’t even imagine the queues of families like ours in clinics. What way of the cross do we have to go through... I sincerely wish that no one has to face this.

And if you have problems or know someone who is having a hard time with conception and pregnancy, I wholeheartedly recommend iVF Riga clinic.

I wish endless health and strength to all families. I wish all babies on earth to grow up healthy, to be loved and needed. God bless you all.

Rasa V.
“Dr. Violeta Fodina is the most wonderful specialist in her field!”

Thanks to her, after almost 10 years we were able to wait for our miracle baby girl. Many thanks to her and all the clinic staff!

Irina K.
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“Liels Paldies:”

Dr. med. Violeta Fodina – Jūs esat mūsu medicīniskais Dieviņš!!! Milzīgs Paldies!!!

Nataļja Kuhare – paldies par laipnām atbildēm pat uz vissīkākajiem jautājumiem!

Dr. Jūlija Tarasova – liels paldies par brīnišķīgu grūtniecības aprūpi! Ļoti novērtēju, ka vienmēr bijāt gatava sniegt mierinājumu pat brīvdienās!

Dr. Dmitrijs Poļaks – paldies par maģiskajām adatiņām – acīmredzot palīdzēja!!!

Pateicoties Jums, mūsu ģimenē esam beidzot sagaidījuši savu Otro Pasaules Brīnumu 24.12.2023.

No sirds pateicamies Rūta un ģimene.
“Paldies Jums par ieguldīto darbu! Par komandas kopējo entuziasma garu. Lepojamies ar tādiem mediķiem un darbiniekiem Latvijā!”

Vēlamies izteikt sirsnīgu pateicību IVF klīnikas personālam: Dakterei Violetai Fodinai pateicamies par dziļu un pamatīgu slimības vēstures izpēti, par ātru un zinošu reaģēšanu uz veselības stāvokļa izmeklēšanu, kompleksu darbību veselības uzlabošanai, ieskaitot procedūru un terapijas nodrošināšanu.

Pateicamies pacientu koordinatorei Simonai par atsaucību, augstu saskarsmes kultūru komunicējot gan klātiene, gan telefoniski, kā arī medmāsām par kvalitatīvu palīdzību, rūpīgu konsultēšanu un gādīgo attieksmi. Ņemot vērā klīnikas personāla noslogotību, tiek saglabāta individuālā pieeja un ieinteresētība, risinot problēmjautājumus.

Paldies Jums par ieguldīto darbu! Par komandas kopējo entuziasma garu. Lepojamies ar tādiem mediķiem un darbiniekiem Latvijā!

Lai sekmējas arī turpmākais darbs. Lai draudzīgs, spēcīgs sadarboties un zinošs kolektīvs arī turpmāk!

Ar patiesu cieņu, Svetlana un Vladislavs
“With the deepest respect and gratitude I want to thank all iVF Riga’s team, which helped our family to make our biggest dream to come true!!!”

Dr. V. Fodina - she was the North star for me always showing the path I should follow. Her solid assurance, enormous professional knowledge and skills have lead to the successful result. I will be thankful her all my life!

Marina - is the highest standard how to take care of patients. Many times she soothed me when I had doubts. I don’t know how she manages, but her speed for replying to emails is something fantastic. I really appreciate that even on sick leave she found time to close some questions. Thanks a lot, Marina!

Jelena - it was one of the first people we met at the very beginning at our IVF journey. Her informative explanations and communication was one of the key things why we chose this clinic. One more thing I am really thankful for the empathy she showed me, when in early pregnancy days suddenly the bleeding started.

Finally, all other clinics staff helped me always feel welcome and in good hands.

I hope your clinic prosper for long long years!

I wishing all of you best luck in your professional and personal life!

“It was Dr. Fodina who gave us our biggest dream – our own and totally perfect child!!!”

Dear iVF Riga!

After six years trying and doctors in 3 different countries, it was Dr. Fodina who gave us our biggest dream – our own and totally perfect child!!!

There are no words to describe how thankful we are for her and her team.

Even when all hope is lost, there still is some left!

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts!

Eliza & family.
“Vēlos izteikt milzīgu pateicību dakterim Dmitrijam Poļakam par profesionalitāti.”

Ierados klīnikā iVF Riga ar labās sejas puses paralīzi, ko izraisīja nerva iekaisums. Jau no pašas pirmās procedūras dienas jutu uzlabojumus. Pēc piecām akupunktūras terapijas reizēm gandrīz pilnībā atguvu sejas kustību.

Dakter, neizsakāms paldies Jums!

Anita P.
"Liels paldies dakterei Irinai Kalvānei!"

Mūsu ģimene vēlas pateikt lielu paldies dakterei Irinai Kalvānei. Pateicoties dakteres profesionalitātei un ieinteresētībai par manu un vīra veselību, mēs 2023. gada septembrī pasaulē sagaidījām mūsu meitiņu. Un šie mums bija pirmie Ziemassvētki trijatā.

Inga L.
“Thank you for being a part of this process and we are very grateful for your support!”

Dear Dr. Fodina! Some time has passed since we spoke last time. We would like to take the opportunity to inform You that pregnancy went well and that we have today a healthy nine month old son. We would also like to take the opportunity to thank you and Jelena for your kind help during this journey. We wish you success with Your work in helping other. Thank you for being a part of this process and we are very grateful for your support!

“You bring spring in people’s life helping them to have a child. You make their dreams come true. You gave love and take love from them. You are the best Doctor in the world!”

My dear Doctor, I am sending to you some violet flowers, whose name you have. Flowers that symbolize the renewal of spring and the triumphs. Flowers that are the symbol of fertility and love. The symbol of modesty, same as you are. You bring spring in people’s life helping them to have a child. You make their dreams come true. You gave love and take love from them. You are the best Doctor in the world!

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